Exercise 1
Recruits, somewhere in your town is a 9 who is about to get very lucky. This exercise is that at some stage this week you’re going to see a 9 (ie the hottest a babe can appear to you without the aid of drugs). Your mission is to rock up and go for a number close wherever you happen to be whether it’s the club, the supermarket, the podiatrist, the gym, wherever! A DJ can project alphaness regardless of
the situation.
Exercise 2
Here it is, guys, the biggest challenge of the DJ Boot Camp. This week you are to go out to a social venue you like such as a club, a bar, the improv or whatever,
anywhere people gather socially to mingle.
But here’s the rub, you have to go somewhere where no one knows you. This exercise is to go out and approach several groups of women (groups with three or more people) and close on at least one woman from those groups. Try on two or three different groups and try it in at least a couple of different clubs or bars.
“Making” social proof first can be quite handy. Meet some guys first and befriend them. It may be a better idea to meet guys who are also alone and seem confused rather than those who are already alpha males – but that is up to you. You need to be confident before going alone. My personal tip is to do a strenuous workout to get your testosterone flowing.
Social proof: When girls look at you, they expect to see you with someone. If they see you dancing alone, for example, for an extended period of time, they will know that you are alone and the only reason you are there is to either dance or pick them up.
Some guys, with the correct mindset, can get away with even this and succeed. The mindset for getting away with it is the unquestionable fact that “you don’t care”.
Special exercise notes
You have 14 days to complete these tasks.
They are the last. You’ve come this far – don’t stop!
Good luck gentlemen, and good hunting!
Estou na última semana do DJ Boot Camp. Cumpri até aqui todas as tarefas. Namorando, tudo ficou mais difícil, pelo simples motivo que estamos ambos gostando muito um do outro. Não era pra ser em tom confessional ou romântico, mas apenas para dizer que
está sendo complicado conciliar as sarges com a rotina de um namorado, mas é questão de honra ir até o fim neste DJBC. E agora, na reta final, vou enfiar até o talo. YEAH, LET´S FUCK IT.
Esta semana, Búzios, e semana que vem em Sampa: as oportunidades ímpares para fechar este Boot Camp com Chave de Ouro. Aguardem os novos Posts.
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